Thursday, September 17, 2015

Redefining Divorce

Tennessee Chancellor Jeffrey Atherton in a state of theatrical tantrum throwing has picked up the bigot baton from No-Homo teammate Kim Davis. In a “six of one, half a dozen of the other” twist on cultural conservative civil servants feigning piety to protest having to perform their duties, Atherton was presiding over the divorce case of an elderly couple wed for nearly twelve year when he deemed that the proceedings were a complete farce, stating that Supreme Court of the United States has been “incompetent to define and address such keystone central institutions such as marriage and thereby at minimum contested divorces,” which is unarguably similar to when Brown v. Board of Education was decided and simultaneously each and every single American forgot what schools were. Should it matter that it seems so effortless for local government appointees to painlessly disregard the Federal Supreme Court’s decisions? 


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